Oh how the riddle speaks
Did you decide to come find me? Well, i've got a surprise for you. Come a little closer, i'll let you have a peek. Just a little peek. That's enough! Now you'll never see me again. You've come at the wrong time and the wrong moment, and i'll just have to leave you there. But don't worry, you wont remember a thing. Because i don't exist. To you, i'm just a ghost, someone who travelled across the centuries to find you and then leave you once you saw me. That makes perfect sense, right? Of course not! You'll be a lunatic before you can make sense of such logic. Well, logic isn't ever right, is it? It can give you equations that defy physics because everything is just in context. Well, your context is different from mine, and mine just relies on my thoughts and senses. While your's are bound by your realities and characters, mine is boundless and like a random factor i'll gush through every sense and thought of your mind and body, then rip them apart bit by bit to build another person and universe. Why? Because you're at your own mercy when you stick to such rules of conduct and only rely on logic. Illogical beings are those who you defy because you can't see sense in them. Oh, but logic is just another opposite of illogical things. There only exists logic because there are so many opposites that defy it. The ironic thing is, logic has it's own flaws and even by your rules and boundaries, the playing fields of logic can defy reality itself. And that is how i came to be. I defied your reality by using a logical equation of irrationality. That exists not because you made it so, but because i used it so. Only because i used it, so i can access the boundaries of your reality. I know, i play by your rules, but only when i wish to. Because your rules apply to you mainly, and to me, it's just you that i'm playing with. I play with your life because your rules bind you, and i know your rules. But you don't know my rules. My rules are of a different reality. But they both rely on logic, i'm just using a different dimension of it. Why you ask? Because i want to so. I wish to defy your logic, not because mine is different and i want to oppose you, but because you deemed it so. I didn't oppose you, but you are the one with issues here. You see me as different and you can't accept it. So you chose to label me as an opponent. While i did nothing to oppose you, you did everything to see me as an opponent. So, while you choose aggression, i just need to idle and let you walk right through that empty force that is actually your own making. It's just yourself that you are riddled with, and not me. I am just an unknown that is idle and neutral. But you chose to make me an opponent. I need do nothing because i do not reciprocate your opponent process. So i'll just play along with your game and let you do yourself in. It's so fun to watch you slide away into your own cycle of mystery and endless war. Ah, what an amusement. I make you my amusement, so you are, because you are still trapped inside that cycle of your own making, so you'll never realize that i'm just using you for amusement. I'm looking at you through a glass and safe wall made by you. Why? You provided it to me. You saw me as an enemy, you provided me with the power. How? You saw me as an enemy, thus marking me a threat. But, i do not use that power you gave me to oppose you, but instead i decided to give it back to you. I did nothing and you did everything. You gave me power enough to oppose you, and when you finally launched your attack you found that you were able to hit nothing. Why? because there was nothing there in the first place. It was just your imagination. But you thoughts made me become something, and my non-present opposing force made you think of me as a phantom that was indestructable. I am unharmed because i choose not to participate in your careless and pointless conflict. So you only harm yourself further in your wonder in why you cannot harm your enemy.
There is not enemy!
What a wonder it is to play
and to sway like a tree
oh but i'm not a tree
i'm a human being
see me not a tree
or you'll be mistaken
like all those other "trees"
because they tried to make me one
they themselves became trees
because they fooled themselves
but i shall not become one
i am a human being
i am freewilled and i'll not be a tree
rooted and firm on the ground
waiting for something to happen
just growing taller and taller
until my insides go rotten
i am a human being
and i shall become myself
i have a mind and a free will
not a tree's will for life and death
i have a human's will
for existance and permanance
through other human beings
and not other trees
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