[Part I] don't speak
There's a commotion in Central Square, where three bank robbers have just managed to heist a huge amount of cash. The bank alarm is ringing as loud as the banker's pockets - loud and clear. A few blocks away, the carefully disguised felons have already made their way to a getaway vehicle. It's a black sedan, a very posh one, and they drive slowly out of a parking lot whilst bringing no suspicion at all.
Hours later, they reach a safehouse and start counting their bounty. A total of ten million dollars. It's enough for the four of them to last a lifetime of luxury. They might not be living like Donald Trump, but they'll surely be enjoying themselves somewhere far away from the city.
A small breeze wisps past the window and a very soft click opens the door of their safehouse. None of them notice as a tall, darkly dressed figure steps inside. The figure allows a very heavy footstep and the four of the felons startle as they turn around to face the intruder.
But before they could even ask who, or reach for their pistols, there was a bloody thump on the floor. The intruder had just sliced clean through one of their comrade's head. The others were stunned in a mix of awe and fear. The figure standing before them seemed to loom darkly before them. He inched closer and they saw that grin on his face - the type of grin you never want to see. He looked like a gentlemen in his finely made khakis and trenchcoat. But that long blade waving from side to side just seemed to compliment his maniacal grin. He just seemed like anyone's worst nightmare.
The intruder stared from the other three felons and slowly drew his gaze towards the decapitated head on the floor. A pool of blood was forming around the head. The body was still seated on the chair and having muscle spasms. He played his blade around the decapitated body's chest and then stabbed his blade deep into the area where the heart would be. He pulled out his blade and blood came gushing out of the wound like a fountain. His blade was covered in bloody from the tip to half way down the blade. His grin grew even wider.
He made his way to the closest person still alive. The felon, sensing his death, seemed to crumble under the gaze. It was like death had come, but with a maniacal twist. "Hush now...It only hurts more if you scream..." the intruder said. His eyes were red with an inconsolable rage and his grin just grew wider as he plunged his blade into the felon's stomach.
A shrieking wail cracked through the silence. The intruder let out a sickening laughter as he stared down his already dying victim. Instead of pulling out his blade, he turned it inside his body and forced it out through the side. He left the helpless man to bleed to death in his last moments of pain and agony.
He turned his gaze to the other two bank robbers. They were frozen in their seats. One of them just couldn't stand it anymore and broke into tears,"No..please..no...!" Before he could finish, the blade had plunged into his chest, near his heart. "Sshh...don't speak..it only hurts more..." coyed the intruder. He surgically cut around the victim's heart and then drew it out with his blade. It was still beating. The intruder seemed to savour the moment. He lowered his blade and placed his frenzied gaze on the last bank robber.
The heart slid slowly to the floor. Before the last person could speak, there intruder was already infront of him and there was something blocking his throat. He tried to feel it with his hands and he met the sharp, steel surface of the blade. He was chocking in his own blood.
Take the devil and turn him into a man. Imagine how the shrill laughter he would make. Then remember it, remember that laughter. It was the last thing that would haunt the robbers for an eternity in hell.
This is awesome. And damn, I miss No Doubt.
there's more to come...
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